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Frank Liu and family visit Grace BPC-Cape Canaveral

The Word of God Is Not Chained!

by: Rev. Frank Liu
Cornerstone Reformed Church in St. Paul, MN
the Missions Banner, January/February 2023: Print Edition

“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”—Romans 10:17. It is not by mere coincidence that God made man’s anatomy in such a way that man may voluntarily and completely shut off his sense of sight (by eyelids, hands, objects, etc.), but that man cannot so easily shut off his sense of hearing. What was God’s reason for this? We don’t know exactly, but we can use this anatomical feature to kingdom advantage.

Last year, I started meeting weekly with two young men (who eventually became members of the church), both first generation Christians, for Bible study and prayer at the local mall.

At the mall, we often had cleaning and maintenance people, all immigrants, come up to us and identify themselves a Christians and expressing joy that we were studying the Bible together. Toward the end of last year, only one young man continued, and due to his move, not having a car, and also wanting to be a light on his college campus, he asked if we could meet at the University student center instead. Knowing that we would be in the “lion’s den” of secularism, intellectualism, materialism (and all those other –isms), I agreed to do so, realizing that the Word of God is not chained (2 Timothy 2:9). So at the end of last year, we started meeting in the student center, in close proximity with university students, to study the Word of God. The student center has a rule of no proselytizing, but the student said that the rule wasn’t enforced but also generally not broken. So I decided that instead of going around to many, on each visit, we would simply invite one person (or pair) sitting next to us if they would like to join us for Bible study. If they refused, then I would offer them instead a “Two Ways to Live” gospel tract. So far, every student has refused the offer for Bible study (but all did so respectfully), but every student has also willingly received the tract. None have left the tract behind or disposed of it; and some started to read the tract while sitting next to us. What is interesting is that every student after being asked also remained in their seat/table next to us, within earshot (those same ears that can’t be shut), and sat through the majority of the time of our Bible study and discussion. What they heard then was the Word of God! Besides the Word of God read in a known language and an audible voice, they also heard the confessions, pitfalls, failures, joys, and gospel hope of two sinners looking to our Lord Jesus Christ!

We realize that our methods are far from perfect, but our prayers are that God’s Word will not return to Him void, but will accomplish the purpose for which He sent it (Isaiah 55:11). We pray that our Lord would use even our foolish and flawed attempts to call sinners to faith and repentance. Our desire is to reach especially this younger generation with the gospel. Please join us in these prayers.

Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and support for Cornerstone. May the Lord continue to bless your efforts to bear witness of the good news and your labors for Christ’s church!

(pictured above:  Frank Liu and family visit Grace BPC-Cape Canaveral.)

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