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Leaman Family 2023 landscape

The Leamans: Ten Years of Faithful Service in Brazil!

by Rev. Casey Southerland
PMU Field Director in Cincinnati, Ohio
the Missions Banner, August/September 2023:  Print Edition

Perhaps you, like me, remember what seems like just a few years ago when, Rev. Doug and Leah Leaman and their quiver of six boys visited your church sharing the Lord’s call on them to serve Him in Brazil.  That visit was more than just a few years ago.  The Leamans have now spent more than a decade ministering in the state of Pernambuco.  On their arrival in 2013, Doug worked to establish a Department of Biblical Counseling at the Seminary of the North in Recife as well as seminaries in other parts of Brazil.  Now, having had the opportunity to teach more than 3000 students training for pastoral ministry, God has opened an opportunity to expand the reach of the ministry through Project Soli Deo Gloria.

In God’s generous providence, seven years ago, Pastor Doug was approached with an opportunity to make ministry-use of the property where his parents, Rev. Dennis and Lucia Leaman, served as missionaries in Aldeia, Brazil.  The Soli Deo Gloria property, formerly known as Mt. Moriah, had fallen into disrepair and overgrowth after many years without regular use.  Pastor Doug brought a vision of new ministry-use to the PMU Council and a contract was entered for the sole use of the property for 15 years.  Now, five years into the contract, the Leamans have stewarded the property into a beautiful camp facility, ministering to pastors, churches, and young people.   One exciting development in the past two years has been the establishment of the Institute for Theology and Technology.  At the institute, students study technology and Pastor Doug and others instruct them in areas of theology to prepare them to walk closely with Christ and be used to strengthen His church around the world, wherever God uses their technological training to take them.

Now, after 10 years on the mission field, the Leaman’s ministry has grown and is bearing fruit for the glory of God.  Every family member can communicate effortlessly in Portuguese.  Not only has their ministry grown, but their family has as well. Doug and Leah’s six boys have become seven strong young men whose character and gifts are a compelling witness to the faithfulness and glory of God at work in their family.  Join PMU in praising the Lord for his care for and blessing upon the Leaman family whose ongoing labors are bringing glory to Christ.

To God be the glory, great things He has done!

pictured above:  The Leamans, Then and Now

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