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Leah's cafe

What Does Ministry Look Like in Brazil?

by Rev. Doug Leaman
Project Soli Deo Gloria in Aldeia, Brazil
the Missions Banner, October 2023: Print Edition)

Recently, we were asked to provide a brief overview of our ministry here in Brazil for a friend who is assisting with a bit of media production for the Soli Deo Gloria project. Here are some thoughts in hopes that you can understand a bit more as well, especially about the café Soli Deo Gloria.

We have been in Brazil since 2013, and during this time, I have been serving in ministry within seminaries, two local churches, and have been engaged in preaching and teaching, with a primary focus on Biblical Counseling. It has been gratifying to embark on the Soli Deo Gloria project, which is situated on the same property where I was born 50 years ago. It has been amazing to see God’s blessing upon this project and to be a part of it. Many opportunities have arisen for the faithful proclamation of God’s Word. Throughout the year, we host various events, including a Christian Education focus, an apologetics outreach, a “Future Men” retreat, a women’s Titus 2 conference, an annual Carnival Camp (a ministry during Carnival), and this year, we introduced an English Camp as well. Our primary aim is to proclaim the gospel and preach the truth as far and wide as God will allow. We also are able to house and serve at an Institute of Technology and Theology, where 20 young men are engaged in year-long studies. Our dream of serving in Brazil has transcended our wildest expectations.

Leah has also added a café to the project, which has been steadily growing and has brought an added rich new dimension. Faced with the reality of numerous expenses, we pondered creative ways to generate funds and support the ongoing ministry. This led to the idea of the café, a multifaceted solution fit for this culture’s unique tastes. Not only has it provided essential financial resources—every penny earned goes directly to support the project—but it has provided a way to enrich the communion of the saints. Hospitality is a virtue we encourage all believers to embrace, and we are delighted to see how the café opens opportunities for fellowship. It has become an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, offering delicious food in the unique context of the countryside. Children can run and play, and parents can meet with friends, all while contributing to the project’s financial sustainability. It truly is a dream come true, unlike any other café you’ve ever experienced.

One of the remarkable advantages of the property’s spaciousness is our ability to maintain animals and gardens. Many of the café’s offerings feature ‘farm-to-table’ dairy products, herbs, spices, fruits, and vegetables harvested right here. We are continually developing this aspect of the land, as we enjoy seeing God’s creation bursting with life-giving fruit.

Construction has commenced on our future café building, at a gradual pace. Our vision is to create a haven for fellowship, all while contributing to the project’s financial stability. We would greatly appreciate your help, so please come savor a coffee, enjoy a slice of cake or American apple pie, and pray that this whole project will promote the preaching of the gospel and the Glory of God.

(pictured above:  Sweet Treats and other items featured in the café.)

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