Who We Are

A Servant of Christ's Church

A mission board is one of the most common answers to the question the Church has asked since our Lord Jesus Christ uttered the Great Commission in Matthew 28: "How do we go to 'all the world' and do gospel work among our neighbors at the same time?"

It is a good question. Local churches and denominations alike often find themselves consumed with the necessities of ministry "in their own backyard," with little creative juices left to seek out new fields of endeavor either at home or abroad. Lack of both local resources and focused purpose also limit the effectiveness of missions activity by the local church.

Acting out of what Charles Hodge liked to term "Christian prudence," the Church created mission boards to help local assemblies fulfill the demands of the Great Commission. Hand in hand with the local church, mission boards help focus vision; identify new fields of labor; organize common projects; identify, recruit, and train workers; collect and administer funds and inform constituents.


About Presbyterian Missionary Union

Presbyterian Missionary Union is a non-profit missions agency associated with the Bible Presbyterian Church. We desire to advance the cause of missions - both domestic and foreign - that are biblically based and practiced and to stand against any compromise of the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. PMU is directed by a Missions Council of Christian ministers and elders who voluntarily give their time to guide the ministry.

Founded in 1985, PMU strives to assist the Church in fulfilling its missions ministry in the Reformed tradition: zealously heralding King Jesus in all the world, depending upon God's sovereignty, preaching the whole counsel of our covenant God, and guided by the Doctrines of Grace.

Home Missions Emphasis

Believing that without a strong foundation at home, world-wide ministry will not flourish, Home Missions is a major emphasis. PMU has been instrumental in helping plant gospel testimonies in North America.

Pastoral Assistance

PMU also provides pastoral helps of various kinds, including special meetings, mission-work presentations, and publications to help churches pray for and partner with missionaries.  We also provide Bibles and literature, as well as helping with other projects a local church may desire.

Foreign Missions

PMU labored successfully for many years in Kenya and saw the national church grow to maturity. Now, we have turned our eyes to the Far East, South America, and other locations around the world.

Short-Term Missions

Our Team Timothy missions program is designed to address the short-term missions efforts of the BPC, particularly among our young people. Teams go out to both overseas and domestic assignments in evangelism, church planting and maintenance, and youth ministries.

PMU burning bush (vivid)