Recife, Brazil

"Brazil needs preachers, leaders, and churches that understand and live out the truth that Christianity is to be controlled by Scripture alone, faith alone, grace alone, Christ alone, and that it is all for the glory of God alone."
- Rev. Doug Leaman


Recife, Brazil

The Leamans are serving in
Recife, Brazil.

About Brazil

Official Name: Brazil

Capital City: Brasilia
(2,606,885 pop.) (3,451,549 metro)

Population of  Brazil:
201,009,622 (2013 est.)

Population of  Recife:
1,478,098 (Around 4 Mill. metro)*

Portuguese (official), and most widely spoken language. Less common languages include Spanish, German, Italian, Japanese, English, and a large number of minor Amerindian languages.

Roman Catholic (nominal) 73.6%, Protestant 15.4%, Spiritualist 1.3%, Bantu/voodoo 0.3%, other 1.8%, unspecified 0.2%, none 7.4%

Brazil Real (BRL)

National Day:
September 7

White 53.7%, Mulatto (mixed white and black) 38.5%, Black 6.2%, other 0.9%, unspecified 0.7%

Except where noted, information taken from











Rev. Doug Leaman

Biblical Counseling & Project SOli Deo Gloria

Leaman Family 2023 landscape

Born to missionary parents in the country of Brazil, Rev. Doug Leaman grew up in the Bible Presbyterian Church where his dad served as missionary and pastor for many years. After graduating from The Master's College in 1995, Doug worked in Brazil for almost a decade, during which time he married Leah. They learned about the language, culture, customs, and people of Brazil while developing a heart for ministering to Brazilian people. After 500 years of Roman Catholicism, spiritism, a growing secularism, rampant political corruption, and an evangelical world that is inundated with the latest fads from around the world, Brazil is in need of the winds of the Reformation.

Doug is an ordained minister of the gospel in the Bible Presbyterian Church. He has a Master of Divinity degree from Western Reformed Seminary and a Master of Arts degree in Biblical Counseling from The Master's College as well as biblical counseling certification through NANC. His mission is to teach biblical counseling/discipleship and to preach the gospel as far and wide as the Lord will allow in cooperation with churches faithful to the gospel. The Lord has now blessed Doug and Leah with a family of seven boys.

Please pray for the Leamans.

Prayer Requests

Project Soli Deo Gloria, Brazil (Leaman)

August 2024

Thanking God for:

  • The amazing English Camp and the team that came from the US.
  • Safe travels thus far during our furlough in the USA.
  • Zayin’s college drop-off for his final year and Sollie’s soccer tryout  at TMU in Los Angeles.
  • The churches and brothers we’ve already visited, and the support received for Projeto Soli Deo Gloria.
  • The wonderful van the brothers in Cincinnati loaned us for the second half of furlough!

Please Pray for:

  • The new students at Projeto Soli Deo Gloria as they begin a year of learning theology and technology.
  • The construction of a new building for our local church in Aldeia.

News From Brazil

Short Term Missions Title
Short-Term Missions Opportunities for 2025
Leaman Family 20231
Summer Greeting from the Leaman Family
Doug Praying
Praying with Boldness in the Public Square

Signup To Receive The Leamans' Prayer Letter By Email

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