Cornerstone Reformed Church, St. Paul, MN

"In this digital age, you can stream the best sermons and find online friends galore.  But there is not and never will be a replacement for the face-to-face ministry of the local church.  Hearing God\'s Word preached in person, receiving direct pastoral care, and fellowshipping with real people is Christ's design for His church.  Instead of anonymity, we can reach out in genuine relationships and say, 'O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together!'-Psalm 34:3."
-  Rev. Frank Liu

MN map

St. Paul, MN

The Lius are serving at Cornerstone Reformed Church near Saint Paul, MN, a Reformed and Presbyterian Mission of the Great Lakes  Presbytery of the Bible Presbyterian Church, General Synod.

About Cornerstone

Church Website: Cornerstone Reformed

Population of Saint Paul, MN:
285,068 (Estimated 2015)

Elevation of Saint Paul, MN::
242 m over sea level

59.6%- White
15.50% African Americans
0.9% native Americans
16% Asians

32% Mainline Protestant
21% Evangelical Protestant
28% Roman Catholic
1% Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, and Black Protestant
13% Unaffiliated

Except where noted, information taken from

Rev. Frank Liu

Cornerstone Reformed Church

Liu Family 2024

Cornerstone Church is a gospel-centered body of believers who love our Lord Jesus Christ and also love one another. The members have a heart to see others come to faith in Christ. We are a diverse mix of people from the very young to the very mature, with a variety of ethnicities that represents the diversity of the Twin Cities. Cornerstone also has a sizable number of seniors with time and experience who still have the energy to serve. While the members come from a variety of church backgrounds, Cornerstone desires to be self-consciously and unashamedly committed to the Bible and our confessional standards. While the church body is small, the vast majority are active and eager to serve the body of Christ. To serve the community, Pastor Frank Liu is a volunteer chaplain with the Saint Paul Police Department.

Pastor Frank Liu is a graduate of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Taylors, SC. He has served Christ's church as a ruling elder and then as a pastor for four years before being called to pastor Cornerstone. Frank has been married to Melissa since 2004; they have two children.

Prayer Requests

Cornerstone Reformed, MN (Liu)

September 2024

Thanking God for:

  • A blessed time last month with the ScriptureFest event and the recitation of the book of Revelation.
  • A young family who has been visiting for a few months and desires to pursue membership at Cornerstone.
  • A good start of the school year for the church kids and a hearty resuming of our Sunday School program.

Please pray for:

  • Members who are in the phase of life of caring for aging parents – for wisdom, patience, compassion, and love to do so.
  • A young couple who has just started visiting to continue coming to church with us as they settle into a new city.
  • The health, safety, and spiritual vitality of the mature saints at Cornerstone, several of whom have significant ailments.
  • The Lord to send a much needed revival to our nation and people.

News from the Liu Family

Liu Family photo
Summer Greeting from the Liu Family
Liu Article Photo
Spiritual Health and Gospel Urgency
Liu Family 2024
Christmas Greetings from the Liu Family

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