Ways to Support PMU
Finances are naturally a huge factor in sending and maintaining missionaries and church planters on their fields. One hundred percent of funds designated to an individual missionary goes to his or her account. Besides individual missionary accounts, the expenses for PMU's daily operation and administration are significant. Your partnership with us in this aspect of the ministry is vital and greatly appreciated.
How to Donate to PMU
PMU appreciates every donation! Each donation enables us to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
You may contribute through the green donate button at the top of the page if you desire to donate via the following:
- Credit card
- Debit card
- Paypal account
Checks may be sent to:
Presbyterian Missionary Union
12064 Lebanon Road
Cincinnati, OH 45241
To ensure proper accounting, please write your preference of which account you are desiring to support from the following list:
- Myanmar Mission
- Brazil: the Leaman's
- Rev. Casey Southerland, PMU Field Director
- Home Missions, Douma
- PMU General Fund (which funds the office staff and operating expenses)
- Church Planting Fund (Liu, Yong)
If you desire to partner financially with a particular work, we would appreciate knowing your plan to pledge a designated monthly gift. Please note that with your donation or write to office@pmumissions.org to pledge a monthly donation. PMU is a charitable tax-exempt organization under Code Section 501 (c) (3). The office supplies donation receipts for your tax records. Please contact the office at office@pmumissions.org or 513-563-3259 for further information.
Special Projects
While our primary focus is ensuring the financial stability of our field personnel through the support of regular, monthly giving, occasionally there are special projects that arise on the field that go beyond monthly support capabilities. Sometimes these needs are purely financial, but often involve some particular item that is needed, capital improvements, literature purchases, training, or some other "coming along side" ministry. Your participation in these special projects is always appreciated.
Current Special Projects
Church Planting Fund
PMU's Church Planting Fund helps keep church planting in action in our desire to grow new churches for the BPC. With new projects on the horizon, the Church Planting Fund is in great need of a fresh influx of funds. To meet the coming demand we hope to raise another $24,000 by August. Thank you for your partnership with us in growing the BPC. Please designate donations to the Church Planting Fund.