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Cambodia 4 19

The Daily Cambodian Challenge by Mr. Touch Am (Banner 4/19)

In these last two and a half years in the field, I have been interested in teaching Bible reading, for both children and adults. The main difficulty in rural places in Cambodia is to convince people to read and study their Bibles. People aren’t concerned much about education. They just care for what to eat or how to live from day to day. They believe mostly myths, traditions, or stories which are made by man.  They like to share these untruths from generation to generation.  That is why when we begin to preach and lead their minds from unbelief to belief, from falsehood to truth, we have a hard time. We have to start from the very beginning, and it takes a long time to mature. We have to be patient and endure for all circumstances.  For example, some families don’t want their children to come to study, and others really hate us. Sometimes the parents come to call their children directly during studying for some reason.  Some of them call us liars who have deceived their children by leading them to betray Khmer religion and their ancestors.  Moreover, some families try to force their child to stop by sending them to work or to do something instead of coming to church. They don’t want their child to know Jesus.

However, even though we face these kinds of problems, we still take courage and continue to sow the seed of faith to those whom God wills to hear the message. On one side we are upset and are brought to tears because of their stubborn hearts, but on the other side we are happy that the mission can continue in all the villages. Some children can read and memorize the word of God well.  We hope and pray that the seed of Christ may grow quickly. As Cambodians we want to see our nation converted to Christ and worship the Lord, our Savior, alone. Lastly, I would like to give thanks to God and praise Him for all your support and prayers for the mission in Cambodia.

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