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Easter Covenant BP Mission

Built by the Word of God and Sacrificial Love by Rev. Andy Yong, (Banner 5/19)

Brethren in Christ, I hope you had a blessed Easter to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus who conquered the power of death. We had a joint service with Tacoma BPC on Good Friday. In the Lord’s Supper, I administered the bread, and Rev. Fisher, the wine. I wait for the day when all nations and peoples will kneel before the resurrected Jesus Christ.

Covenant BP Mission’s Easter service was held at Heritage Christian School. There was a man who attended Sunday Bible study for the first time in his life. The theme was “Of the State of Man after Death, And of the Resurrection of the Dead” (Westminster Confession Ch.32). Such statements as “The soul of man is immortal.” “The resurrected Jesus will come back to earth.” “The righteous and the wicked will be all resurrected at the end.” “The Bible acknowledges only two places for souls, Heaven and Hell.” were unfamiliar to him because he didn’t know the Bible.

In Korean Christian history, there were people who believed in Jesus before many missionaries arrived in the early 1900s. This was due to the sacrifices of a few missionaries such as Robert Jermain Thomas (1839 – died c. 31 August 1866) of Wales who was martyred in delivering the Chinese Bible to Korea. Several of the Bibles, which were handed out by Thomas at the time of his martyrdom at the young age of twenty-seven, later brought forth believers of Jesus in Korea. Even an abandoned Bible was used as wallpaper in a house which became later the first church in Pyongyang. It’s because people who came into the house read God’s Word on the wallpaper and received faith. The Bible has the power to lead man to salvation in Christ.

After our Bible study, the man asked, “Is Jesus God?  Is God and Jesus the same person?” He had been told that Jesus had lived a holy life, so He died and rose to become God. This can never be the gospel. Rather, it is a news that takes away all hope of man for salvation. This is a false idea taught by heretical religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Jehovah’s Witness, and, to a large extent, all religions made by man. After all, their question is, “How did Jesus become God? How do I become a god?” However, man cannot become a god. Rather, they can be children of God by believing in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who died for the sins of men on the cross. “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.” (John 1:12)

After all, the Great Commission given to all believers is to correctly proclaim the Scripture, God’s Special Revelation. People must hear of Jesus Christ in the way the Bible tells so that they also would be children of God. In Korea, Christianity was built by the Word of God along with the sacrificial love of missionaries. Covenant BP Mission also wants to be built by the Word of God and the sacrificial love of each other. Please pray for this.

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