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2020, 5 Baldwin onling preaching

Locked Down, but Still Free, by Rev. Mark Baldwin (May 2020 Banner)

Lockdown and Church Worship
When the  COVID-19 virus first started making the news as a threat in the US, one of our families had to seriously consider the risk to themselves. The wife has had a long and difficult battle with lung problems and is in and out of the hospital and on oxygen. They eventually decided to self-quarantine for her protection even before the California governor ordered every to stay home and only go out for “essential” matters.

We set up Sermon Audio “Live-casting” for them, and then the whole church once the lockdown order came.  Unfortunately, everyone else was rushing to do it also and both Sermon Audio and Facebook Live faltered for a while and people had to get the sermon during the week from the recording.  Everyone has been understanding and supportive and has been listening to the sermons and was able to attend church live this past week.

Lockdown and Church Ministry
Most of our people describe the social isolation, especially from their church family, as the hardest part of the lockdown.  We hope, with more interactive video conferencing / teaching systems offering free plans, to be able to start up our Wednesday night program again—not just for the teaching, but for the fellowship as well.  

Lockdown and Church Members
Our church is comprised mostly of retired people and people who already work from home.  As a result, the impact on their lives and livelihood are minimal.  I’m probably the only one who has had to move things from the office at the church to my bedroom to work.  I dropped by the church to pick up some things last week that I needed at home and saw the barbershop next door loading all their furniture into a pickup truck.  I suspect a month of bills with no income had brought their small business to an end.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to those whose jobs and businesses have succumbed to the lockdown as well as those who have suffered with the illness itself.

We all look forward to freedom and getting back to our ministry in a more normal manner! 

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