Dear Co-laborers,
Greetings in the name of the living and risen Savior! What an incredible and explosive year it has been. The Leaman family had an incredible time circling by van two of the largest countries in the world— Brazil and the US. Despite all the health worries, it is always encouraging to visit God’s people. We were comforted and encouraged by you all. As we come into this new year, we have a heightened sense of the cosmic and spiritual forces of evil seeking to devour the nations. God has placed us in an amazing and challenging time. May we continue to stand fast together in Brazil and in the US and wherever the Lord has placed us. The victory has been won by Christ, so continue to pray with us for the triumph of the gospel in the hearts of all those whom the Lord will call from every kindred and tribe and tongue and nation. Thank you for your prayers and support.
The Leaman family