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Church Membership

by Rev. Andy (Myungjoong) Yong
Covenant BP Mission, Tacoma, WA
the Missions Banner, June 2021

Recently, I taught a membership class to seven people. There were various stories in this group. Some of them have transferred churches because they moved to Tacoma from other regions. Others have professed their saving faith and are going to be baptized. The rest of them have reaffirmed their faith after straying away from the Church. 

I believe this membership class was very meaningful to everyone who attended, including me. For me, it was time to reap the fruit from sowing the seeds of the gospel. The people who became new members this time are the ones whom I have served for at least one to three years through preaching, counseling, and visitation. It was a time to confirm that Jesus faithfully establishes His own Church despite my many mistakes and the constant interference of the devil. 

“So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who
waters, but God who gives the increase.”  1 Corinthians 3:7

I believe the class was also meaningful to those who moved from other regions and became members of our church because they learned about the Reformed faith and came to agree with it.

For those who professed their faith anew, it was meaningful because they have prepared to profess their faith publicly by knowledge of Christ and His Church. 

To those who had wandered away from the church and then became new members with us, it was meaningful because they were able to reaffirm their faith in Jesus Christ, from which they had strayed.

And what had meaning in common for everyone was that they confirmed the importance of becoming a member. God first shows us gracious love, and we respond to Him with love and loyalty of us. Likewise, the Church first shows people the love of Christ, and they pledge their love and loyalty to the Church, the body of the Lord.

“In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and
sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.”   1 John 4:10

I am sure that this relationship of voluntary service between a church and its members can only arise when the Spirit of God is working in them. So the ministry of the church must be dependent only on the Holy Spirit, based only on the Word of the Lord, and only for the glory of God.

I ask for your prayers that Covenant Bible Presbyterian Mission will grow with the faithful attendance, financial support, service, and prayer of these new members. Please pray for Covenant Bible Presbyterian Mission to properly evangelize, disciple, equip, and provide spiritual leadership, fellowship, and worship so that these people can grow in the Lord. Thank you for your devoted prayer and support.

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