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Doug and Silas, cropped

A Quiver Full of Arrows

by Rev. Doug Leaman
Project Soli Deo Gloria, Brazil
the Missions Banner, July 2021 (online edition)

Leah and I know that we have been greatly blessed over these past 18 years with seven boys. One Bible commentator has written that having seven sons was the greatest blessing that could happen to a Hebrew family. In the beginning of Job, it mentions that he was greatly blessed and he had seven sons and three daughters. Sons are not the only blessing.

We are blessed to have parents who understand the life of gospel ministry. We are blessed to have family, churches and friends who faithfully support us. We are blessed to have a small mission board that was willing to step out in faith as they accepted this large family onto the mission team. We are blessed to be part of the Project Soli Deo Gloria and to be surrounded with faithful men and a blessed local church to serve with. The blessings continue even through the different phases of life that we are now experiencing.

Darius is now 18 and has a full time job with a tech company called “Liferay.” He has just completed the initial months of intense training as he dives into this massive field. Zayin is 17 and, Lord willing, attending the Master’s University this fall. He desires to study International business and hopes to get a soccer scholarship for the next years. Titus just turned 16 and was pleased to know that Grandpa and Grandma needed some help with summer chores and odd jobs. During this summer visit he is enjoying the benefits of being in the States especially being able to drive before his big brothers! In Brazil they only allow a driver’s license at age 18. Solomon, Lukas, Roman and Silas are still going strong here in Aldeia and will have to transition into the roles previously filled by bigger boots.

The gift of seven boys has definitely shaped some major ministry decisions. When an overgrown and wild 60 acres was offered for ministry purposes, without the extra energy and strength, we would not have been able to accept this challenge. Initially, there was a massive physical load and they were willing to mow, rake and slash. They worked like men—taming the overgrowth, clearing brush, demolishing, building, painting and cutting. We are truly blessed to have seven strong and healthy sons by our side.

The transition, however, has already begun. Now we will wait to see what God will do as these arrows are shot out into the world. We can no longer have daily Bible time with them and they will no longer hear their mom cry, “kill the lion” or “repeat after me’, ‘I am a one-woman man! Aaaiiii!” They may no longer have to give a worldview analysis of the author’s intent after watching a movie, and they may no longer hear, “Alright boys, let’s get a good night sleep. It’s the Lord’s day tomorrow.” We pray that the Lord will use our feeble and faltering attempts to use the powerful Sword of the Spirit for “training in righteousness – that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work (2 Tim. 3:16-17).”

We praise the Lord for the opportunity to invest in the lives of these seven young men. We know those who have been blessed also have the responsibility to take one talent and turn it into five or 10 or twenty for the glory of God. Over the next months we plan to call 24 young men to come and live on campus for one year of intense discipleship and tech training. We beg for your prayers. Only God in His wisdom could have known that the training of seven may just have been a preparation for the training of many young men for His Gospel and Glory.  Please pray that it might be so.

Soli Deo Gloria

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