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Baldwin family 2022, edited

Christmas Greetings

It was interesting as we traveled to Synod across America from California to Florida, to see just how foreign a land California has become.  It really felt like we’d returned to America after a long deployment to a foreign mission field.  It was fun seeing the Little House on the Prairie museum with our kids who read the books as part of their home school curriculum and it was great to visit family!  Wiwin was especially blessed to visit with the ladies at Synod. The best part of the trip was to come home to our own church and its people.

While we are tiny, the joy that we have in the Lord, in His word, in His grace to us and in our fellowship, is big and growing week by week.  We’re so thankful for the love and encouragement we get from churches and people across the US, some of whom have never met us.   It’s what keeps us fighting the good fight and running the race set before us.  Please join us in praying for God to send visitors to our church so we can begin to grow.

by Rev. Mark Baldwin
Reformed BPC, Weed, CA
the Missions Banner, November/December 2021

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