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Christmas Greetings

Greetings in the Name of the living and risen Savior!  What an incredible year it has been for the Project Soli Deo Gloria.  We were surprised by a partner in ministry who wanted to help build an Institute at the Mission project.  We are on the verge of completing that building which began in the early months of 2021. This ministry branch of the Soli Deo Gloria project is projected to launch in January of ‘22.  For now, we are calling it the Soli Deo Gloria Institute of Technology and Discipleship.  The long term goal is to prepare church planters and self-supported missionaries to reach into the 10/40 window with the Gospel. Our part is to care for the first year of discipleship. It has been humbling and exciting to watch God bring a team together working towards the same goal.

As we come to the close of yet another year, we have a heightened sense of the cosmic and spiritual forces of evil seeking to devour the nations. God has placed us in an amazing and challenging time. May we continue to stand fast together in Brazil and in the USA and wherever the Lord has planted us. The victory has been won in Christ, so continue to pray with us for the triumph of the gospel in the hearts of all those whom the Lord will call from every kindred and tribe and tongue and nation.  We are continually astounded by God’s faithfulness through your prayers and support!

by Rev. Doug Leaman
Project Soli Deo Gloria, Brazil
the Missions Banner, November/December 2021

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