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Tapping for Walnut Syrup

Persistence in the Pastorate and in Missions

by Rev. Doug Douma
Sola—Appalachian Christian Retreat in Unionville, NY
the Missions Banner, March 2022: Online edition

All pastors know the situation – a person or a family tells you, even promises you, that they will be visiting your church and … they don’t come.  They even contact you by phone saying, “We really love what we see at your church and want to visit.”  And they don’t visit; and they don’t come.  Until, maybe they do.  Maybe 1 out of 4 of these situations turn into visits.  And maybe 1 out of 4 of those turn into members.  What is the pastor to do?

He is to be persistent and determined to gather in the flock that the Lord has called to His Church.

What this has looked like for me is many phone calls patiently listening to the health concerns of a family who expresses interest in our church, but for various reasons has not yet attended.  It has looked like a man down the street who has told me at least a dozen times that he’s going to join our church.  I try to patiently listen to him, a man much in need of someone to listen.  It has looked like work as a chaplain at the Fire Department, and, after a few years, some people there surprise me with a sudden, “Pastor, we’d like to come to the Christmas service.”

Whatever the method, whatever the avenue, the pastor must continue steadfast and stalwart, for the single success story brings such great hope as to propel a full life of ministry.  And, praise the Lord, such success has occurred at our church and in our ministry.

Fortunately, when it comes to hikers visiting our trail ministry, 90% or more of them who say they are coming, actually do come.  They don’t have a lot of options!  There are no hotels or campgrounds in our area.  This gives a unique opportunity with Sola; almost all who contact us actually do show up.

Persistence in our mission with hikers might look a bit different than persistence in church work.  It requires being prepared for our guests to arrive, being present while they’re here, and finding good opportunities to speak with them and pray for them.  The missionary, perhaps more than the pastor, has many one-on-one conversations; he is not usually preaching to the masses, but may be handing out gospel tracks one at a time, or providing counseling service for one individual or one family at a time.

I pray that the Lord gives all our PMU missionaries great strength that they may persist through all the challenges that come their way.  And I pray that the persistence brings forth much fruit for God’s kingdom.

(pictured above: Maple and Doug tapping for walnut syrup—another activity requiring  patience.)

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