- Brandi Becker holding Connor, with Madi Southerland and Asher Hutchinson during VBS.
- Brotherly love—Jon and Sam Gross acting in the VBS skit.
- Micah Southerland and Pastor Jason Hutchinson during park ministry.
- Kallie Becker during craft time at VBS.
- Balloon ministry by Asher Hutchinson and Micah Southerland at the nursing home.
- Camdon and Asher Hutchinson prepare to make jump ropes using the colors of the wordless book during park ministry with Elizabeth Mastilak and Cecelia Schmidt.
- Cecelia Schmidt teaching during VBS.
- Asher Hutchinson, Pastor Casey, Jon Gross, Joe Becker and Pastor Jason Hutchinson making balloon animals during park ministry.
- Pastor Casey presents a “Creature Feature” during VBS.