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A Tribute to Dr. James L. Blizzard

by Rev. Steve Brinegar and Rev. G.W. Fisher
PMU Council Members
the Missions Banner, April 2023:  Print Edition

On March 2nd, 2023, Dr. James L. Blizzard entered the presence of his Lord and Savior. In this 89th year, he leaves a legacy and a testimony for Christ. While studying at Columbia Bible College, Jim decided to join the Bible Presbyterian Church, attending Faith Theological Seminary. He wanted to stand firmly upon the Word of God. Over 65 years of ministry, he did just that.

Because of his faithful involvement at every level of the Bible Presbyterian Church, his presence will be greatly missed. Dr. Blizzard always brought with him to any situation a feeling that now is the time to act, the day is far spent, there is an urgency to be about the work of the Lord. It was not an overbearing feeling but a compelling one matched with a steadfast love for the Lord and His Word. At one time or another, he served on all the approved agencies and was heavily involved in presbytery meetings, camps, youth conventions, and the General Synod. He served as moderator of the Synod on three occasions. As moderators plan the theme and messages for the next Synod, Jim’s themes tell us about his convictions.

Elected by the 46th General Synod, Dr. Blizzard selected The Year of the Bible for the next Synod. He opened by preaching from 2 Timothy 3:14, 17: “But continue thou . . . And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” In his ministry and life, Dr. Blizzard desired to live by the book for the glory of God. As Dr. Blizzard opened the 52nd General Synod, he preached from Matthew 28, The Challenge of the Church and the Secularization of Society. The entire Synod had the theme of Teaching Them to Observe All Things. For the 70th General Synod, Dr. Blizzard crafted the theme: The Foundation: Jesus Christ. The message centered around the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. In his opening address, he preached, “Let us not be vague and undogmatic concerning the doctrine of the church, which includes the person of Jesus Christ.”

As part of his conviction to follow Christ, Dr. Blizzard loved the work of missions and indued in his congregations a love for missionaries, their families, and their work. He was a founding member of the Presbyterian Missionary Union and attended all but one annual meeting. Along with the other founders, Dr. Blizzard was committed to seeing the gospel continue to go forward. He knew that the Lord would provide.

We will greatly miss Dr. Blizzard.


(pictured above:  Dr. James L. Blizzard, September 9, 1934-March 2, 2023)

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