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Leaman article 4 2023

Student Report from Project Soli Deo Gloria, Aldeia, Brazil

by Cláudio Souza
Student at Project Soli Deo Gloria in Aldeia, Brazil
the Missions Banner, April 2023:  Print Edition

Here is a brief report from one of the students. Thanks for reading and praying.

Rev. Douglas Leaman


Grace and Peace, Dear Readers,

I’m Cláudio Souza, a student in the second class of the Soli Deo Gloria Project. The Lord be with you, granting you the peace that surpasses all understanding.

At the project I have daily been learning theology and, through this, I have seen the importance of a devotional life, the daily study of the Scriptures and the life dedicated to God, for His honor and glory. Every day I am blessed with teachings that I will take with me for the rest of my life, through Bible studies or during simple things like working in the fields, eating and drinking. Thus, I have understood more and more about my position as a sinful man who needs God and an intimate relationship with Him, resisting temptation and sin.

Likewise, due to the bi-vocational nature of the project, I have learned a lot in the technology area. We were given a one-year study plan, which involved instruction in the basics of computing. Technological learning takes place daily in the technical laboratory, where we study for four hours after breakfast. Great has been the privilege and opportunity of being able to use these tools as a means of reaching ungodly lives, and then being able to bear witness to them of Jesus, our savior, thus bringing joy to our God and fulfilling the mandate of the Great Commission.

I have also understood my role as a man. We use and better our physical strength in menial work in the afternoon and also with a series of exercises after finishing our tasks. I took it upon myself to care for our garden, as I became interested in learning about growing plants. During these activities, I tend to remember certain biblical principles, such as when God commanded Adam to care for the garden of Eden, giving him the position of farmer. Leadership has also been one of the aspects of biblical manhood that I have been taught; we men were created to take the front line, using intellect and wisdom given by God, aiming at the good of Creator and creature.

In particular, I am also extremely grateful to the Lord that, during an event held here, I met my girlfriend, with whom I have already made wedding plans; which, if it be the will of God, she shall be my wife. I have seen that she is an answer to prayers in which I asked for guidance and wisdom, so that I could become a man worthy of being able to choose and support a girl; and also asked for a truly Christian woman, who did not conform to sin and who had the desire to understand more about her role in the Bible. Our relationship has been blessed as we understand that God, and God alone, must be the foundation of any relationship between a man and a woman.

I thank God for leading the Project Soli Deo Gloria, which has been a blessing in our lives; for Pastor Douglas Leaman who gave me this opportunity to speak, through this document, the experiences I had; for my friends and brothers, with whom I live and learn daily, exhorting and being exhorted. Let us continue to glorify our wonderful and Sovereign God. May He bless you immensely and keep you from the clutches of Satan.

“Whether, therefore, you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all for the glory of God” – 1 CORINTHIANS 10:31


(pictured above: Cláudio Souza, Student at Project Soli Deo Gloria) 

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