by Rev. Doug Douma
Sola Appalachian Christian Retreat in Unionville, NY
the Missions Banner, October 2024
For two consecutive summers at Sola we’ve hired an intern to help with the work. In each case it has been a great blessing to us. As the work has expanded, having an intern during the busy season has become essential. Though I am often a do-it-yourself-er, sometimes there is too much work for one person (myself), and sometimes there are situations that really require a second hand.
The interns have been a blessing to us also with their added energy, perspective, joy, and abilities. It has brought extra vitality to our ministry and to our church where they attend while they are here with us.
We’ve enjoyed seeing them learn new skills as they work with us; whether skills in evangelism and conversation with hikers or skills with power tools as they help us repair and improve our facilities for our guests.
We’ve been fortunate in the finding of our interns. Each year the Lord made it clear to us by sending great candidates; and sending just one per year to us. We pray that He will continue to send us good workers each year ahead.
For more information go to and click on the 2025 SOLA Internship button.
(pictured above: Previous Sola interns working with the Douma family)